

Mostly people connect astrology with mythology or may be sometimes with other related subjects. Actually, the fields like palmistry (hasth rekha vigyan), gemology (ratn vigyan), science of architecture (vastu shastra), black magic, Pneumatology (study of spirits) and so on, all these have their own importance, all these have different principles of working, problem solving tact and remedies.

A practitioner may be well versed in one or more such subjects but people approach any priest (he may be a temple priest) or katha vachak or sadhu or karmkandi for match making (kundali Milan), casting horoscope (kundali banwana), Auspicious time calculation (muhurat), predictions (bhagya nirnay) and more important decision makings. The percentage of such people who actually have good hold of one or more particular subject is less than those who just begin their venture after studying ephemeris (panchang). Remember our teachers have taught us many times that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”.

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